Windows are one of the most important parts ofyour home. They keep your house energy efficient, control how much light andair get in, and can make your house look great...or not so great. While it'seasy to overlook window repairs unless one gets broken, it's important to keepthem in top condition so they can keep protecting your home. Here are 5 keyindicators that will tell you when to replace windows.
Damaged or Decaying Frames
When we think of windows, it can be easy toonly consider the glass. As long as the panes aren't broken or cracked, thewindow must be fine, right? Well, no.The frame is just as important as the panes of glass.
If they're starting to show signs of wear anddecay, you need to get them replaced, right away. This is particularly true ifyou have wooden frames. While wooden frames can be pleasing to look at,moisture can cause them to rot and allow for mold to develop. This can lead toleaks and even risk the health of your family. Other materials, like vinyl, maynot decay as easily, but damage can still cause them to become less efficient.If you see any signs of damage or decay, it's time to replace your windows.
Condensation Between the Panes
Another indicator of when to replace windowsin a house is if you see condensation or moisture beginning to form between thepanes in a double-pane window. Double pane windows are designed to be sealedtight. Many of them have some sort of gas, like Argon, between the panes to increasetheir insulation. So if you're seeing moisture or condensation between thepanes, it's a sure sign that something is wrong. For condensation to appear,the seal must have failed, allowing moisture from the outside to seep into thespace between the panes. There is no way to fix this problem, other thanreplacing your windows.
You Feel a Draft
If you feel a draft coming in from yourwindow, it means that the seal around it is broken. Windows are integral toyour home's integrity. When the seal around them degrades, it makes your houseless energy efficient, increases your heating and cooling bills, and leavesyour home vulnerable to the external environment. That means you could have leaksand pests coming into your home!
If you notice a draft from your window, call aprofessional immediately. While they may be able to do some repair work toextend the life of your window, drafts are a good indication that it is time toreplace windows. This can also be a good time to check other windows in the houseand make sure they're all in good shape.
Older windows, and ones that are in poorshape, are also going to be noisier windows. New windows do a great job keepingthe outside sounds outside. That meansyou get a quieter and more relaxing home. Some of the reasons for this is thatnewer windows are made of better materials and in ways that just do a betterjob canceling out noise. But the sound coming in from older windows can also be anindication that they have cracks in their seals. If they aren't keeping out noise, they'reprobably not going to keep other things outside either. When you replace themwith a new window, you'll get the best new technologies and will get to enjoy aquieter home.
High Utility Bills
Perhaps the best indicator of when you shouldreplace windows is when you notice your energy bills going up. Windows seal a giant hole in your home'swalls. When that's done right, they canadd to the insulation of your house, keep your bills down, and keep your homerunning smoothly. But when they are at the end of their lives, windows can leakout the heat and cool air that you want to keep inside. That means you'll have to spend more energyand money to regulate the temperature of your home. While it may seem like abig expense to install new windows, the money you'll save on energy will payfor it in no time.
Talk to the Experts
When do you need to replace windows? When they are no longer able to do theirjobs, protecting and insulating your home. If you notice any of these problems with your windows, call Expo HomeImprovement right away. We've got theyears of experience to help you find the right solution for your home. Our team of professionals will work with youto create a plan that will meet all your needs and get your house feeling andlooking great. Call or contact us andwe'll give you a free quote to get you started today!
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