The start of spring means is a great time to do some home improvementprojects. Whether refreshing your indoor paint, power washing the exterior ofyour home, repairing your deck, or tackling window replacement,spring is a great time to make important updates.
Window replacement,specifically, is one project that many homeowners put off because they thinkit's too costly and time-consuming. But that's not true. Replacing old windowscan be inexpensive, quick, and easy. Even more, it can increase your home'svalue and save you money in the long run.
Why Should I Get a Window Replacement?
Here are the top five reasons you might actually need to replaceyour windows:
- Your windows are damaged. If you have damaged windows, they certainly need to be replaced. Signs that your windows are damaged and beginning to fail include air drafts, foggy windows, condensation on your windows, and difficulty opening and closing your windows. Window screen replacement can also be helpful if your screens are damaged, too.
- You experience severe weather. Certain areas experience severe weather more often. If you live in one of those, it's a good idea to be proactive and consider replacing your windows before they even begin to show signs of damage. This is especially important if you live in an older home or have older windows. New windows are better equipped to handle extreme weather and keep you and your family safe during a storm.
- You want to reduce outside noise. Windows aren't only there to protect you from the weather; they also serve to keep the noise of the outside world out. Especially for people who live near a freeway or noisy area, window replacement can reduce the noise of the world outside. Your home will be much more peaceful if you do.
- You're remodeling your home. If you're already remodeling your home, you should replace your windows while you're at it. Upgrading your windows increases the value of your home, and if you're already making updates anyway, you can tack on window replacement cost to your overall renovation budget and contractor's cost.
- You're getting ready to sell your home. Before selling your home you should perform any maintenance possible to increase the value of your home and this includes replacing your windows. In fact, window replacement has one of the :text=Windows%20are%20a%20functional%20update,for%20an%2085%20percent%20ROI."" target=""_blank"" rel=""noreferrer"" aria-label=""highest returns on investments - link opens in a new tab"">highest returns on investments (ROI) when it comes to home improvement projects, with the ROI averaging about 85%.
Benefits of Window Replacement
If any of the above applies to you, you should replace yourwindows sooner than later. Here are the top four benefits of windowreplacement.
1. Improves your homes energy efficiency
Windows are responsible for about 30% of heat loss and gain inyour home. By replacing your windows and choosing newer and moreenergy-efficient alternatives, you can :text=The%20Department%20of%20Energy%20has,more%20than%20%24100%20per%20year."" target=""_blank"" rel=""noreferrer"" aria-label=""save $100 to $500 a year - link opens in a new tab"">save $100 to $500 a year onyour utility bill, depending on whether you have single or double-panedwindows.
2. Extends the life of your HVAC
Since windows are responsible for so much heat gain and loss, ifyou have old windows, chances are you're running your HVAC system quite a bit.Replacing an HVAC is one of the most expensive home repairs thereis, so if you want to avoid this, replace your windows first. You'll run yourHVAC less frequently and extend its life.
3. Increases the safety of your home
Window replacement costs arenothing compared to the price of keeping you and your family safe. If yourwindows are older and don't lock or seal as well as they used to or if they areworn down, they're not keeping you safe. Replacing your windows provides somemuch-needed peace of mind.
4. Prevents fading
Your windows let in UV rays, which can be harmful to your home.Your floors, furniture, artwork, and more can fade from too much exposure tothe sun's rays. This decreases their value and can potentially ruin some ofyour belongings. When you replace your windows, you can opt for glass that hasbetter UV filtration to prevent fading.
It's easy to see why replacing your windows is not only necessaryin certain cases but beneficial, too. If you're wondering ""Who does thebest window replacement near me?"" look no further than Expo HomeImprovement. Schedule an appointment foryour window replacement today!
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