When searching for the rightwindow style for your home it's important to dive into the details of what eachtype of window is designed to do. For new homeowners the question of whichwindow style is right for you can be daunting and it's easy to get lost in thelitany of window variations: double and single hung windows, swing out windows,and casement windows, to name a few. Keep reading for a quick and easy guide tosome of the different window styles that you can choose from.
What is a Double Hung Window?
A double hung window is a style of window that hasoperable top and bottom sashes. These two sashes allow each windowpane to slideup and down independently of each other, allowing for easier ventilation andenergy conservation inside your home. Ease of use and easy access to theoutside of the windowpanes for cleaning are just a couple of the benefits ofdouble hung windows that homeowners are drawn to. Homeowners may also opt for adouble hung window if they are looking for a safer window for their families;the ability that double hung windows have to lower the top sash without openingthe bottom may keep pets and children from damaging the open lower screen.
What is a Single Hung Window?
How does a single hung window differ from its double hungcounterpart? The difference between double and single hung traditional windowsis fairly straight forward. A double hung window is designed with a center sashthat allows you to pull the two frames apart from each other to allow forbetter air flow and easier cleaning access. A single hung window, on the otherhand, is a pane with a single stationary sash at the top and a moving sash atthe bottom. This only allows the windowpane to slide upward about half-way.When most people think of traditional window styles they think of single hungwindows, but double hung panes may provide a little more versatility dependingon your needs.
What are Casement Windows?
Unlike single hung and double hungwindows, double casement windows take a more modern approach to home design. Casement windows are a single pane of glass with acrank that turns the pane outward completely, much like a door, allowing for ahigher level of ventilation and more light inside the home. The placement ofthe sash against the frame on a casement window also allows for less airleakage than a sliding window. Double and single hung windows are consideredmore traditional in comparison but let in less light and air than casementwindow frames.
What are Awning Windows?
Large awning windows are a great choice for homeownerswho need more light and air in their space. These are hinged at the top andswing out from the bottom, allowing a greater flow of air and ventilation. Themain difference between this type of window and other window styles is the waythat the pane operates; a large awning window is a single pane that opens onlyfrom the bottom. Like casement windows, awning windows tend to have less air leakagebased on the placement of the sashes.
What are Slider Windows?
Compared to more traditionalwindow styles that open vertically, a slider window has a sash that openshorizontally instead. These windows are great for rooms that have a limitedamount of space, or for a wall that borders an outdoor patio, since sliderwindows don't protrude into the outside living area. Slider windows allow for agreater surface area for light to enter the home, and wider views to theoutside. The determining factor when choosing a replacement slider window will be what room of your houseyou are placing the window in and how compact that area is.
What are Picture Windows?
Picture windows, unlike the other styles ofwindow listed above, do not open to the exterior of the home, and simplyprovide a view of outside. The obvious difference between this window style andthe others is how they operate and what they can be used for; while the otherwindow styles can be opened to allow air into the home, a picture windowcannot. When thinking about a large picture window replacement, take intoconsideration what other styles of windows are available to you and what typemay best suit your home's needs.
If you're looking to replace thewindows in your home or are searching for the right style of window for you, asimple search for ""custom windows near me"" may do the trick. For amore in-depth education into the benefits of all the different window styles,head to Expo Home Improvement. The Energy.gov siteis also a great resource to differentiate between each style as you get deeperinto your search.
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