A word of hope…

There's a fun little tidbit about being Window Expo & Bath Expo. And that is:

Window Expo = WE

Bath Expo = BE

We call ourselves ""WE-BE"" all of the time. Which makes for some fun internal conversations! On our internal Facebook Team page, it's fun to see the unique usage for ""WE-BE"" in hashtags left by team members in their posts. Recently I have seen:

#WEBEUnited #WEBEStrong #WEBEFamily #WEBEAwesome #WEBEaBlessing…and so on. So fun! It really has become part of our culture.

Our recent blog posts have all been focused around surrounding you, our community, with messages of hope. We are carrying this through all of our messaging here at Window Expo & Bath Expo, in hopes that we can send more encouraging content into our community as we navigate this time of uncertainty.

#WEBEhopeful is the word of hope we are leading with. And we are asking you to join us in our endeavors! We want to know: What has brought you hope? How are you experiencing hope? Who has brought you hope? Do you have a word of hope to share?

We want to know! Please send us your message or post it to your Facebook or Instagram and tag us at @windowexpoandbathexpo with the hashtag #WEBEhopeful.

Spread the word of hope today, and let's encourage and support one another with #WEBEhopeful.

Window Expo and Bath Expo are now Expo Home Improvement

""Improving Homes, Transforming Lives""
